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changing toxic prison culture one dirt yard at a time

Home: Welcome


Redemption Row California Inc is a 501c3 nonprofit organization which developed within San Diego's Richard J. Donovan Correctional facility during the 2020 pandemic. Our compassion based curriculums encourage us to apply sociological insights towards real-life scenarios/problems, and to examine how socially constructed categories interact with various institutions in order to decrease personal shame, antisocial attitudes, and violent behaviors.


L A N D  A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T


Redemption Row holds great respect for the land and the original people of the area where Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility is located. Our home office and the correctional facility is built on the un-ceded territory of the Kumeyaay Nation. Today, the Kumeyaay people continue to maintain their political sovereignty and cultural traditions as vital members of the San DIego community. We acknowledge their tremendous contributions to our region and thank them for their stewardship. 

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